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The Gender at Work Podcast

Jun 12, 2017

Gender at Work has been active now for almost 20 years and we have made contributions to thinking and practice on challenging and changing discriminatory social norms and deep structures of inequality to advance gender equality. Currently, we are witnessing many changes in the contexts where we work including increasing inequalities, and myriad new challenges, that may render some of our approaches and tools obsolete. The rise of populism and calls for regressive change in many parts of the world are threatening to overturn years of progressive incremental change guided by collective wisdom and experience.

Today, we want to talk about our own renewal and regeneration. We want to change both the mainstreamed narrative of love as well as systemic inequality. We want to reframe love away from its commercialized and self-indulgent guise toward self-strength and self-liberation that enables each one of us to connect with ourselves, our wisdom. We want also to connect with each other to fight for what we collectively believe in and support others as they speak out against injustice and oppression they face in their everyday life. We want to re-learn how relationships and bonds of love, trust, and respect can be repaired and re-created. We want to sustain those connections.

Our fights against patriarchy, neoliberalism, and other inequities not only entail individual growth, they are also fights against oppressive and divisive systems that shape our lives. We want to be free from gender-biased structures and discriminatory societal norms. We want to build new collaborations across old lines of division, rethink our understandings and approaches so that they are relevant to the changing world around us and re-imagine new pathways for equality and justice.

We are launching an online book club and we invite you to be a part of these conversations and add to our manifesto in your comments below.

We are Feminists Rethinking Transformation.

Join our bimonthly podcasts featuring diverse voices from both, within and outside the Gender at Work network. These conversations have been planned as a series of informal conversations to discuss new books/articles, ideas that ignite passion and allow us to find new ways of understanding our work, our institutions, our society and ambitiously, our ourselves.